Course curriculum

    1. Background

    2. Pediatric Feeding Disorder

    3. Food Insecurity

    4. Feeding difficulties that are not Pediatric Feeding Disorder

    1. Introduction to Parent-Reported Assessment Tools

    2. Benefits of Parent-Reported Assessments & Limitations

    3. Validity & Reliability

    4. Development and Testing of Assessment Tools

    1. Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool (NeoEAT)

    1. Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (PediEAT)

    2. Child Oral and Motor Proficiency Scale (ChOMPS)

    3. Gastrointestinal and Gastroesophageal Reflux Scale for Infant and Toddlers (GIGER)

    1. Feeding Impact Scales

    2. Family Management Measure of Feeding (FaMM Feed)

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


  • Is this course eligible for continuing education for Speech-Language Pathologists?

    This course meets the requirements to be eligible for professional development hours for ASHA. Please visit this website to learn more about professional development hours:

  • Is this course eligible for continuing education credit for nurses?

    This course meets the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing at 244 CMR 5.00 for 1.5 contact hours for RNs.

  • Is this course eligible for continuing education for Occupational Therapists?

    Maybe. Please check your individual state licensing requirements. The course does meet the requirements of many states, but not all. I am planning to apply to become an AOTA-approved provider and plan to submit this course for approval, but currently this course is not AOTA-approved.

  • What about continuing education credit for other professions?

    This course may be eligible for continuing education for other professions. Please check with your licensing board for information about requirements for continuing education activities.

  • Do you guarantee that this course is eligible for continuing education credits?

    No, unfortunately, continuing education requirements for different professions frequently change and I cannot guarantee that this course will meet all of those requirements. Please check your specific licensing body or state board for requirements.

  • How long do I have access to the course content?

    Once you register for the course, you will have access to the content for 6 months.

  • How will learning outcomes be assessed in this course?

    At the end of the course, you will be asked to complete a quiz that will assess whether the learning outcomes were met.